So I'm back! Well, sort of. The last time I used this site was a long 7 months ago during the Oscars. I'm going to do my best to write reviews for several movies that I've seen in the past few months. Unfortunately I'll be having to do this in my spare time. And there are a few movies I'd like to see this week. The first is Let Me In. It's down to one showing in my town. One. It won't be around next week. Too bad it's at 10:00pm. I work a normal job, getting up at a 6am and getting to bed at 1am can be kind of rough if I need to get up in the morning. But I know it won't be playing past Thursday. I also need to go to Kimball's Peak Three Theater to see Never Let Me Go. I don't think it will be back next week. So I'll have to try and catch Let Me In on Wednesday and Never Let Me Go on Thursday.
The movies that I need to review are as follows:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Honestly, I'm not sure if I should. I loved it so much on a personal level that I'm not sure I can look at it rationally.
Winter's Bone
Going the Distance
Easy A
I Am Love
The Social Network
I've also seen The Town in that time, and others on DVR and DVD, and I may hit those, but my first priorities are those first seven (Nine if you include the two I hope to see in theaters this week, and Paranormal Activity 2, which I'd like to see, but not this week).
25 October 2010
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