07 March 2010

You could tell that Tom Hanks was up against a time crunch there.
Congratulations to Katherine Bigelow for becoming the FIRST woman to win the Academy's Best Director award. Cool thing is, I know her ex-husband James Cameron is as proud of her as anyone could be.
Please let Carey Mulligan or Meryl Streep win. Actually, just Meryl Streep. She deserves it the most. Gabourey Sidibe deserves it as much as or just barely not as much as Streep. Bullock doesn't deserve it. Why do we fawn over her just b/c she's not in a romantic comedy?
YES!! Jeff Bridges! He has deserved it in the past, and he deserved it now. Finally. But his speech is going a bit long. It's OK though. After nearly 40 years in business and his first nomination, he has obtained that right.
Random note: I like George Clooney's longer (for him) hair.
I lied...I have 2 Oscar wishes this year: 1) Sandra Bullock doesn't win 2) Jeff Bridges does.
I haven't seen any of the Best Foreign Language Film nominees, but I want to take thsi time to say that the way these films get nominated is dumb and should be revamped.
Let's see...The Hurt Locker is winning many of the technical awards: Film Editing, the Sound, not to mention Original Screenplay. The only nomination it hasn't won so far is Cinematography. At this point I'd say it's the favorite for Best Picture and Director (but it may have been before anyways)
I gotta say, I'm kind of glad that Tyler Perry is presenting. He's a wonderful playwright and director.
Word is "The Cove" is going to win for Best Doc. As amazing as Food, Inc. was I don't really know if I want it to win. It should be seen though. But "Burma VJ" would be interesting because I hope light is shed on dictatorships everywhere. And on the Pentagon Papers doc...I hope that it doesn't concentrate on Nixon since those were written by LBJ and showed that he flat out lied in the '64 campaign against AuH2O.
I am hoping that Up or Fantastic Mr. Fox wins for best orignal score. Avatar's score just made me mad more than anything.
And as much as I dislike James Taylor (except in Two-Lane Blacktop), I always love the In Memorium clipshow. So poignant.
I'm sorry, but did an animated movie just win a cinematography award? The first REALLY bad award of the night.
A "Paranormal Activity" send up on the Oscars! I LIKE!! But What the FUCK are Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner doing on stage? Don't they know, the Oscars are for TALENTED people?
Best Supporting Actress...Penelope Cruz...has anyone from such a bad movie been nominated for an acting award? Vera Farmiga...WONDERFL actress. Same for Maggie Gyllenhaal. Anna Kendrick...I won't hold "Twilight" against her. But she held her own against Clooney AND Farmiga; that's no small feat for such a young actress. Monique...Haven't seen the film, but she's been winning all the awards. Including this one.
Roger Corman deserves all the awards he can muster. So does Lauren Bacall. And we should not forget Directors of Photography.
I wish that Rabbit à la Berlin had won for Documentary Short. The story of families of rabbits that lived between the walls that made up the Berlin Wall. Interesting and offbeat story that I would've loved to know more about.
I'm glad that the band didn't play the French guy off the stage for Best Animated Shot, because the last sentence was funny. But on a separate note, I love Carey Mulligan, but as a blonde with short hair? Too different.
How can Avatar NOT win for best SFX? The whole movie was one big FX shot.
Great John Hughes memorial film.
I liked "A Serious Man" so I kinda want that to win for Original Screenplay, but I think they were all geat nominees. Especially The Hurt Locker and A Serious Man.
Sorry that I'm late to live-blog the Academy Awards, but here it is: what the fuck is Taylor Lautner doing at the Oscars? I can understand Ephron...he's been in some halfway decent movies that are not connected with a pop culture phenomenon.

The Best Supporting Actor: Christof Waltz. Well-deserved. But there wasn't a bad bunch of actors in that group. They all deserved it.
Best Animated Feature: "Up" was great. But "Coraline" and "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" were both, well, fantastic.

Finally, to end my first live-blog update, God, if You grant one Oscar wish this year, please do NOT let Sandra Bullock win.
